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- Create Date: August 15, 2015
- Last Updated: August 15, 2015
Functions by +Paul Hurst and graphics by my great collaboration partner +Nite Owl. This is the Casio ProTrek Watch for WatchMaker!
To set your unmodified offset from UTC/GMT in the main script change var_offset = -2 (do not factor dst in here, it is taken care of later by the dst switch)
UTC is -2 from me
If you are UTC+4, var_offset = -4
change var_stridelength to change stride length for steps distance measuring
I have it at 0.76m (2.5 ft) but keep it in metres
feet / 3.28 = m
If you prefer not to use the Tasker altimeter function, go to layer 76 tap action and delete
wm_action('m_task:Wear Altitude m')
then change the text in layers 48,49 and 65 to suit whatever wm tag you want there instead
Altimeter (needs Tasker)
Compass (with needle and digital readout)
Phone and Watch Battery levels
Stopwatch with lap timer
timer countdown (60 min) with vibrate and flash on 0
alarm (with day selector) with vibrate
World time - 30 time zones (with odd minutes, and DST selector on/off - same as real watch)
heart rate, steps and distance in km or miles (senses whether you've set 'F or 'C in weather settings)
night light (indiglo) screen with 3 modes... dark, light and tilt (light enabled automatically as you tilt the watch to read it, same as real watch)
linear movements for dial
park hands function (same as real watch) to see digital display clearly
...to PARK HANDS, tap 9 o'clock to toggle ( will move hands aside to 2, clearing the digital display)
MODE - cycle through the above modes
the first 3 modes are self explanatory
In mode 2 or 3 (baro/temp) tap centre of watch to update weather
REC - I used this screen for watch and phone battery
ST -stopwatch with lap-timer tap 4 o'clock to start/stop, 2 o'clock for lap.
With chrono stopped, the 2 o'clock button is RESET
TR - Timer ... set using ta at 12 oclock (plus one minute to 59) and 6 o'clock (minus one minute) - to start countdown tap 4 oclock to reset, tap 2 o'clock
tap 11 o'clock for day UP, 7 o'clock for day down
tap 12 o'clock for hour up, 6 for down
1 o'clock for minute up, 5 for down
3 oclock for ON/OFF toggle in AL screen or home/ normal time screen
NB first select whether you want DST ON, or OFF ? by tapping 2 o'clock
then, tap 3 o'clock repeatedly to select your desired timezone to display on the digital screen
NB - if you then change DST toggle, (after selecting zone) you will need to cycle through and re-select your desired tz
RC - I've used this screen for heart rate, steps and distance in km or miles (senses whether you've set 'F or 'C in weather settings)
DISP - this toggles night mode, it's a 3-way switch....with 3 modes... dark, light and tilt (light enabled automatically as you tilt the watch to read it, same as real watch)
ALTI - altitude in metres or feet (senses whether you've set 'F or 'C in weather settings)
Tasker task to be imported (for ALTITUDE)
This file is included in the "Zip-Pack."
Open Tasker, go to the top tabs (Profiles,Tasks,Scenes,Vars) and tap on Tasks.
Then long press on Tasks tab and a popup will appear with 'import'. Choose Wear Altitude m.xml
Run the Task once to populate the variables (give it 20 secs to get a GPS fix and get your altitude )
Thereafter it should work when watch connected.
Ensure that you have the latest Tasker and that under Tasker Settings or preferences / misc you have ticked "allow external access) and that you are not in basic/beginner mode
Please make sure you read the entire post above, it's very detailed.... (especially the Tasker bit) to avoid any " it's not working for me" comments related to Tasker.....and if ALTI doesn't work for you, then 99,99% sure, it's a problem with your Tasker setup....Please don't flood the post with Tasker comments !
I've tested this for a couple of days, and it seems bug free, but there is a LOT of stuff in here, so I may have missed something....
The time-zone code was a pain, as the original code I used clashed with something else and worked 50% of the time.... so I had to redo it and resorted to a more "mathematical" way, rather than "code" way.... for sure, it's not as elegant as +Carlos Rodriguez Galisteo code for timezones, but it works ! Carlos kindly offered to assist (thanks Carlos) but I wanted to get this Timezone/minutes/DST done myself as a challenge and learning experience
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