- Version: 1.0
- Downloaded: 1957 times
- Viewed: 4200 times
- File Size: 168.77 KB
- File Type: .watch file
- Create Date: July 11, 2016
- Last Updated: July 11, 2016
This face includes four main modes accessed by tapping the top-right button. Two modes include sub-modes accessed by pressing the top-left; that button changes the display units in the other modes. The ring around the outside displays relevant information in each mode:
TIME: (1) Time/date display. Tap bottom-left to toggle 12/24 hour modes.
(2) stopwatch with lap function. Tap bottom-right for start/stop, and bottom-left for lap and reset. Ring displays seconds in both modes.
ALTI: Altimeter* display in meters and feet. Readout to refresh. Ring displays current altitude on a 500m scale.
BARO: Barometric pressure display in inches of mercury, millimeters of mecury, and millibars. Ring displays current pressure with standard pressure at six o'clock.
COND: (1) Weather with current temperature, current condition, and low/high temperatures. Tap condition text to refresh. Ring indicates current time on a 24-hour scale.
(2) Step counter with optional heart rate display (tap "--" at top to activate). Ring displays progress to daily step goal defined at the top of the main script.
(3) Watch and phone battery display. Ring displays battery status on each side.
It also includes a persistent barometric trend display*.
* Tasker and a special profile/task are required for the altimeter and barometric trend chart. These two displays will be inactive without Tasker, but no other functionality will be impacted.
Get the profile here:
Once you import the profile, you will need to copy your free Weather Underground API key into the first step of the GetAlt task.
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suunto-vector-fullfunction.watch |