- Version: 1.0
- Downloaded: 929 times
- Viewed: 1732 times
- File Size: 560.35 KB
- File Type: .watch file
- Create Date: August 30, 2015
- Last Updated: August 30, 2015
Different to my usual, but a request a month back, that wasn't really done.
A little poetic license, in that I modified the date area to include chalk and a wider area.
You can now easily change the tint of the 'chalk' within Watchmaker and of course then use the same colour for the date digit.
All the formulas for this one are already on the face 🙂
Haven't had much time in the last weeks to acknowledge the great work of others,but one that did catch my attention was the amazing Maurice Lacroix from +michal ben david and +Ram Mor
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fortis-v1c.watch |