- Version: 1.0
- Downloaded: 820 times
- Viewed: 3162 times
- File Size: 1.57 MB
File Type:
.watch file
- Create Date: December 15, 2015
- Last Updated: December 15, 2015
An Islamic watch faces with 5 different pattern backgrounds (some of them rotating)
* click on logo to change background patterns.
* made for my smartwatch3 that has a square screen but added support for round screens, although not completely sure how it looks on round watches as didn't get chance to test on one.
* weather, moon phase, day, date, month, Islamic date(date, month, year) on ticker, dual time.
* the seconds hand will show wind direction on dim/ambient screen (assuming 12 O'clock is North).
* click on date to view agenda.
* qibla compass (activated by clicking on kaaba icon.
* Prayer times activated by clicking on mosque icon (it's just a shortcut to my prayer wear app, so you will need to download that app to get this working).
* watch and phone battery (kind of a must on any watchface in my opinion). Also the battery icoms have shader set to adjust according to battery level.
* some of things only available on square watches are sunrise and sunset times, current weather degrees, today's high and low weather, wind direction in words and also an indicating small arrow with compass rotation values.
* dim/ambient mode shows analog clock, day, date, month, dual time, watch battery and wind direction(on seconds hand)
Hope you like the watch face as much as I liked it.
Send all your love and appreciation at https://www.paypal.me/HJaved
You will be emailed the unlocked version of the watchface after any amount of donation made.
Special thanks to all good people here whose work guided me towards designing this watchface.
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